Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 72

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Every since Riley got his Lego magazine in the mail, he has wanted me to take his picture with his creation so that it can be in the magazine.  So after I took this photo, he wanted to see it, so I put it on the screen on the camera, and he says, "so how do we get it off the camera, so they can put it in the magazine?"   It was pretty funny, but I am not really sure how to send it to the magazine, I guess I will have to look into that!

Day 71

Saturday, March 12, 2011
Today I walked in the annual St. Patty's Day parade in Colorado Springs.  We were walking for Relay for Life trying to drum up teams and to get community awareness of Relay.  My sister and her kids walked with us handing out candy and information cards about Relay.  It was fun, although I don't know that it was worth the cost to Relay.

Day 70

Friday, March 11, 2011
Today's POTD is of Zach in his Harrison hat!  He is helping the coach on the baseball team at school and he gave him an official team hat.  He said a uniform will be coming too, but he had to get all the player's taken care of first.  Zach is on cloud nine with this hat and with helping the team!

Day 69

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Today my picture of the day (POTD) is a little crazy, but I was enjoying being able to kick my feet up and relax!  I needed a POTD and so I snapped a shot of my feet!  Hopefully I will get to enjoy more evenings with my feet up in the near future!

Day 68

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Today's POTD is of the people I had to call!  I bought Ron a laptop for Christmas, because the last one finally went out of warranty and it quit working about a month after it was serviced the last time under warranty, (they had it more then we did).  Well he went to get on it and it wouldn't come I got to call HP!  Too fun!  But once they figured out that when I say it won't come on, it means that it won't come on, whether it is plugged in, or not, it won't come on, therefore I cannot tell you any codes or push any set of buttons, IT WON'T COME ON!!!!

Day 67

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Today's POTD is of my crop table that is still up in the living room.  I figured that if I left it up from the weekend crop I would get something done.  I am not too sure that is working for me, but it sounded like a good plan!

Day 66

Monday, March 7, 2011
Today's POTD is of Zach playing basketball.  He really loves the game, but he doesn't get the ball as often as he'd like (too many ball hogs on the team, including him) so when he gets the ball, he shoots, even if it's at mid court!  It is entertaining to watch to say the least.  The funny part is, he gets pretty close to making many of the mid court shots!

Day 65

Sunday, March 6, 2011
Today I went over to Dad's and he helped me with our taxes.  I think we have them all ready to go.  We are getting back a good chunk of change again this year, but Ron doesn't want to change his withholding, because he says "we won't save that much money ourselves in a year", so he would rather get a lump sum in April each year.  Let's hope the government doesn't ever decide to penalize those of us who use the federal income tax as a savings plan.

Day 64

Saturday, March 5, 2011
Today Mom and Laurie came over and we cropped at my house.  I usually don't get too much done unless I am by myself, but today I got this layout done and another one in the working.  Not too bad!  (for me anyway)

Day 63

Friday, March 4, 2011
Today's POTD is of Riley with his frozen black sock.  His teacher suggested that the kids put a dark colored sock in the freezer so that when it snows they can take it outside and catch snowflakes on it.  Since the sock is cold, the snowflakes will take longer to melt, so the kids can see the shape and design of the snowflake.  Riley put the sock in the freezer, but kept forgetting to pull it out when it snowed.  Well, today he remembered, however a wet Spring snow doesn't work too well, because it melts way too fast!

Day 62

Thursday, March 3, 2011
Today's POTD is of the book I have been reading.  It is my smut novel!  It is a little racy, but I am really enjoying it.  I have wanted to read this series for a while and since  the boys got me books 1-6 for Christmas,  it is about time I got around to reading them.

Day 61

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Riley finally got his Lego magazine that he has been waiting for "FOREVER".  We signed him up for it and I think it got lost, because we recently resigned up for it and it finally came.  It is just a free publication about Legos, but he was very excited to see it in the mail!

Day 60

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Today's POTD is of Ron working at home after a full day of work.  He has been needing to take some "classes" for work online and can't get through them at work, so he has to get them done at home.  He really hates to bring work home, but sometimes it just has to be done.

Day 59

Monday, February 28, 2011
Today's POTD is of  my iced tea.  I believe one of the prompts for the week is "favorite" and this is my favorite drink.  I like it unsweetened and cold!  I usually like to joke and say that I am sweet enough without adding sugar to my tea!

Day 58

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Today's POTD is of my GYPSY!  I finally got it back!  (Well, I got it the other day and I finally got it out to update it!)  Now I get to reload all my cartridges on it, and update it and hope it works.

Day 57

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Today I went to one of Berta's Creative Memories Crops, and of course I forgot to take a picture of us, so I took one of myself once I got home.  I really like my new cropping shirt!

Day 56

Friday, February 25, 2011
My POTD is of Riley AKA "Joe Cool".  He was hanging out in my room and found this jeans jacket that is way too small, but he thought he looked cool in it, with his '70's "bull" necklace that Uncle Keith gave him from his old stash.  Too cute!